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Canopy-led initiative will spur global switch to more sustainable fibres

Canopy, a non-profit organisation, inked a global commitment to more sustainable, lower-carbon alternative fibres, known as Next Generation Solutions, during this week’s COP27 session in Sharm El Sheik. The action will help to safeguard the world’s most valuable forests and ecosystems while also reducing forest degradation demands from the fashion and packaging supply chains. Over 3.2 billion trees are chopped down each year to provide fibre for packaging and clothes, emitting CO2 into the environment. Between now and 2030, Next Generation Solutions might help save about 1Gt of CO2 emissions.

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Alternatives to wood fibre, such as agricultural leftovers and regenerated textiles, are widely available and scalable. When compared to forest fibres, Next-Generation Solutions emit 95%–130% less carbon and deplete 18%–70% fewer fossil energy resources. H&M, Inditex, Stella McCartney, and Kering are among the corporations that have pledged to acquire over 500 million tonnes of low-carbon, low-footprint alternative fibres for the fashion textile and paper packaging industries under a new Canopy-led effort.

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